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Whitehorse Council Budget 23/24




Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association have examined the Whitehorse Council Budget for 2023/24 and we believe that there are a number of major issues involved in this budget which you need to consider in examining it. We believe especially that it is imperative that you weigh priorities in the budget in line with community expectations, and to date the community has been very disappointed by what it sees as your abandonment of core community services and the privatisation of others.

Below are listed issues which we believe need further consideration and action.



If you compare like with like, the rates for budget 2022/23 and rates and waste charge for 2023/24 must be compared, and the result is approximately a 9% increase, way above the level of the CPI. This is effectively an about 9% increase in rates, whichever way it is looked at and this is totally unacceptable for ratepayers suffering from a cost of living crisis.




a)     Transformation to what? There are millions budgeted for the so-called transition to greatness etc in the 2023/24 budget and the following budgets. Given that there has already been a big spend in previous years to a transformation in technology incorporating the website and updating communication and given that there is an existing IT department, why is such a lot of money being allocated to something which appears to only be resulting in the cutting of services eg aged care in home services, privatisation of pools, service centres and goodness knows what else? Are the health and family services, including kindergartens, next?


b)    Spending on street trees needs to be increased. Street trees provide protection for residents and assist with the goal of zero carbon emissions. They are incredibly important in the harsh climate that we are likely to experience in the future as a result of climate change. A constant spend of $300,000 per year for the last ten years or so says to the community that you really do not care about their welfare or are serious about climate change action. This is one area that you can control. How does this relate to the council declaration of a climate emergency in 2022? Additional funding should be sought from the State government as it has been ripping out trees from the municipality and owes the municipality thousands of trees.


c)     According to the actual figures supplied for 2021/2022 when the council has provided aged care in home services, which has been a very valued community service, there was a deficit , if that is correct, of around $1,900,000. In the 2023/24 budget when there is no provision of aged care in home services but instead a woke “ positive ageing program” not servicing those in real need, the deficit is again approximately $1,900,000. So, services have been lost and there is no real result from this. There also appears to be no accounting for the Mountain View cottages and the vehicles used for assisted transport and daytrips , the services of which are destined to be axed. A review of this whole measure is required. Now is the time to review the aged care in home services debacle as called on by the community in a petition to the Legislative Council by thousands of residents and in light of the fact that the Minister for Aging, Annika Wells, is reviewing the proposed changes in funding of these services. The end result is no benefit to the community and a complete loss of services.



d)    Given the increase in expected population, a review of the amount to be spent on playspace provision is needed, as we believe that the approximately $1,000,000 may not be enough given for example the increase in high rise accommodation in the budget.


e)     There is a projected spend of $410,000 on a Box Hill Integrated Transport Plan which we believe should be deferred to the future until it is clear what the Suburban Rail Loop Authority plans for the area. There has already been a big spend on plans in the Box Hill Municipal area, and this has all been upended by the State Government’s plans for the area and the power given to the State Government by  the Suburban Rail Loop Bill. If monies are spent on this now, the spend will probably be a total waste of money as the Suburban Rail Loop may encroach on any plans made.


f)      The spend on infrastructure such as aging drains is questioned in light of proposed developer contributions for infrastructure and the total amount budgeted. Given the council’s declaration of a climate emergency, climate change and the possibility of flooding it is important that drains, roads etc be properly maintained and updated.

We hope that you will consider these very important issues amongst others when examining the council budget 2023/24 and request amendments in light of what we have raised.

Yours Faithfully

Tanya Tescher

On behalf of Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc.










Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association have examined the Whitehorse Council Budget for 2023/24 and below are listed our comments on the Budget.




If you compare like with like, the rates for budget 2022/23 and rates and waste charge for 2023/24 must be compared, and the result is approximately a 9% increase, way above the level of the CPI. This is effectively an about 9% increase in rates, whichever way it is looked at and this is totally unacceptable.


Have possible sales of council property been properly accounted for under revenue streams as there are a number of council properties which have been deemed ready for disposal?




a)     Transformation to what? There are millions budgeted for the so-called transformation to greatness etc in the 2023/24 budget and the following budgets. Given that there has already been a big spend in previous years to a transformation in technology incorporating the website and updating communication and given that there is an existing IT department, why is such a lot of money being allocated to something which appears to only be resulting in the cutting of services eg aged care in home services, privatisation of pools, service centres and goodness knows what else? Are the health and family services next?


b)    Spending on street trees needs to be increased. Street trees provide protection for residents in the harsh Australian climate and assist with the goal of zero carbon emissions. Funding should also be sought from the State government as it has been ripping out trees from the municipality and owes the municipality thousands of trees. How does this correlate with the declaration of climate emergency by council in 2022?


c)     According to the actual figures supplied for 2021/2022 when the council has provided aged care in home services, which has been a very valued community service, there was a deficit , if that is correct, of around $1,900,000. In  the 2023/24 budget when there is no provision of aged care in home services but instead a nebulous “ positive ageing program” not servicing those in real need, the deficit is again approximately $1,900,000. So, services have been lost and there is no real result from this. What is happening in relation to the Mountain View cottages which were used for elderly services and the vehicles used from there for assisted transport and daytrips? Are these being provided for in the budget? A review of this whole measure is required.


d)    Given the increase in expected population, a review of the amount to be spent on playspace provision is needed, as we believe that the approximately $1,000,000 may not be enough given for example the increase in high rise accommodation in Box Hill.


e)     There is a projected spend of $410,000 on a Box Hill Integrated Transport Plan which we believe should be deferred to the future until it is clear what the Suburban Rail Loop Authority plans for the area. There has already been a big spend on plans in the Box Hill Municipal area, and this has all been upended by the State Government’s plans for the area and the power given to the State Government by  the Suburban Rail Loop Bill. If monies are spent on this now, the spend will probably be a total waste of money as the Suburban Rail Loop may encroach on any plans made.


f)      The spend on infrastructure such as aging drains is questioned in light of proposed developer contributions for infrastructure and the total amount budgeted. Given the council’s declaration of a climate change emergency resulting in climate change and the possibility of flooding, it is important that drains, roads etc be properly maintained and updated.

These important  questions and matters need to be examined and responses reflected in the council budget 2023/2024.


Tanya Tescher

On behalf of the Whitehorse Ratepayers & Residents Association Inc



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