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SRL East Official Updates December 2022

Official Information to be Shared from the Box Hill SRLA Precinct Reference Group Meeting December 2022 and more. WRARA Committee Member Michelle Mayur is on both the Box Hill and Burwood SRLA Precinct Reference Groups.


If your Suburban Rail Loop questions are not answered below, please contact
Michelle Mayur and she will endeavour to find the correct answer for you, free of misinformation and political spin!



Planning approvals


SRL East rail infrastructure was formally approved following a rigorous Environment Effects Statement (EES) planning process.


In September 2022, Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) GC197 was gazetted in the Victorian Planning Scheme and the Project Area has been designated under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 (MTPF Act).


In October 2022, the Minister for Environment and Climate Action approved the SRL East Environmental Management Framework (EMF) including the final conditions the project must meet for design, construction and operation.


The Urban Design Strategy (UDS) sets out requirements for the design outcomes and visual quality expectations for SRL East and was approved in October 2022.


The Public Open Space Framework (POSF) will guide the process of managing the effects of the rail and infrastructure components of SRL East on public open space and was approved in October 2022.


More information on planning approvals is available at:



Specific Controls Overlays 14 and 15


To facilitate the delivery and protection of SRL East rail infrastructure, two Specific Controls Overlays (SCO) have been applied to relevant land within the Project Area: ï‚·

  • SCO14 is a planning control that authorises the design, construction, and operation of the 26km underground tunnels, stations and other infrastructure for the project. ï‚·

  • SCO15 is a planning control to protect the underground infrastructure from development that, if not designed appropriately, could damage the project infrastructure, such as developments with deep foundations or multi-level basements.


Using overlays as planning controls to facilitate the delivery of, and protection of, large public infrastructure projects is common in Victoria. This approach has been used on projects such as the North East Link, West Gate Tunnel and Metro Tunnel.


Here are Q&As to assist with any queries you may receive from local residents:


If they need more information, please encourage them to email or call 1800 105 105.



Upcoming works


Works have been underway in Clayton since June 2022 and the next phase of service relocations starts in Glen Waverley in the new year.


Preparatory works will also kick off at Burwood and Monash, and at Box Hill to relocate the 109 tram terminus on Whitehorse Road ahead of construction of the new Box Hill SRL station.


Site investigations will continue at Cheltenham in the new year, with works commencing later in 2023.


SRLA is looking forward to updating and engaging with local communities, stakeholders and the Precinct Reference Groups early in the new year.


Works notifications can be accessed online at:

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President: Tanya Tescher, 0419135619
Secretary: Kathleen Cummings  

c/- 5 Tudor Court, Blackburn South 3130

    Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association 

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