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SRL Burwood & Box Hill Latest Updates


SMS the word BURWOOD or BOX HILL to 0429 469 592 to sign up to alerts for traffic and construction impacts for SRL East or contact 1800 105 105.


Official Information to be Shared from the latest Burwood and Box Hill SRLA Precinct Reference Group Meetings and more.


Give Your FEEDBACK - SRL East Draft Precinct Vision
View the draft 1.6 km precinct visions for both Box Hill and Burwood at

* Send your Feedback:


The first $3.6 billion tunnelling contracts between Cheltenham and Glen Waverley have been awarded to CPB Contractors, Ghella and Acciona Construction. The Tunnels North contract between Glen Waverley and Box Hill for the successful one of the two shortlisted bidders will be awarded in 2024.


SRL Box Hill Tram Terminus Urban Design and Landscape Plan  


To make way for the new station in Box Hill the existing Route 109 tram terminus on Whitehorse Road has been relocated approximately 40 metres west of the current location and officially opened on 3 November 2023. The tram terminus relocation allows for the continuous operation of tram services during the construction of the SRL underground station at Box Hill.  



Box Hill:

Box Hill’s iconic White Horse statue has been covered in bubble-wrap and moved into storage as works continue on SRL East. 



SRLA is constructing a tunnel access structure (TAS) in Burwood. This is required to make way for major construction and underground tunnelling for SRL East.

The TAS is a large vertical shaft extending from ground level to the beginning of the planned underground tunnel. This will involve excavation, piling and installation of steel support beams.

These works will be carried out from early-September 2023 until late 2025. SRLA will continue working in stages from this site until the completion of SRL East.
Current site establishment works involve upgrading the west boundary fencing along Gardiners Creek, site investigations, utility works and building demolition.

Tunnelling Procurement

A preferred bidder has been identified for the first package (Cheltenham to Glen Waverley), a consortium of CPB Contractors & Ghella & Accoina Construction. The contract was signed in late 2023.

The unsuccessful bidders will be able to tender for the second package of work which is the link between Glen Waverley and Box Hill. The second contract is due to be signed in 2024.


Site Establishment

Utility relocations will commence in late 2023 with Sewer relocations in 2024.

There will be traffic changes on the main roads (Highbury Road and Burwood Highway). 40 kph speed limits will be put in. Most work is planned for daytime work hours. The build for the tunnel access is expected to take 18 months.


Precinct Component

As well as the Transport component the SRL project has a Precincts Component. This is intended to accommodate growth around the new stations.


Precinct Structure Planning

There will be a draft planning scheme released in 2024 with final amendments by 2026. This will cover a roughly 1.6 kilometre radius around the stations. This is supposed to determine what sort of housing choices are available.

The business case for the project is underpinned by the new precinct plans and planning scheme amendments. They want anchor tenants and big business. The idea being where you build new infrastructure, it attracts new investment.

There will be three new signalled crossings over the Burwood Highway and no car parks near the Burwood SRL station. 



Box Hill Whitehorse Road Linear Reserve July 2023

Virtually all of the trees in the Whitehorse Road Linear Reserve between Nelson Road and Station Street were bulldosed in July 2023 and the carpark was converted to the site for the construction and office caravans. The sudden loss of so many high and moderate value trees came as a terrible shock to the local community. We were expecting that those trees wouldn't be removed until 2025 when the Main Works commence for the SRL Box Hill Station. It seems that area between the current tram terminus location and Station Street now falls under SRL Early Works rather than SRL Initial Works, which were assessed under different planning processes. Exactly where the division between Early Works and Initial Works falls is probably the subject of semantics. It appears the now cleared site is being prepared for the Main Works in 2025 and as a laydown area for construction vehicles. Some overnight road closures are happening.
SMS BOX HILL to 0429 469 592 to be advised by SMS of upcoming road closures.

Before and after photos by M. Mayur of the Whitehorse Road Linear Reserve from the tram terminus to Station Street below:





















Burwood SRL Sinnott Street Reserve Demolition June 2023


As at 6 June 2023 all trees had been bulldozed on the Sinnott Street Reserve Burwood. Wherever possible, the timber will be reused , according to the Suburban Rail Loop Authority. SRL work has now commenced on digging the SRL Burwood access shaft near the south-eastern corner of the reserve. Before and after photos below:

















Trucks are mainly entering the former Sinnott Street Reserve via Burwood Highway and exiting via McComas Grove, which is being used largely as a one-way street during work hours.


After completion of SRL Burwood in about 10 years from now, it is unlikely that any part of Sinnott Street Reserve will be returned to the public for recreational use. Naturalisation and removal of the concrete lining of neighbouring Gardiners Creek up to the footbridge is about 8 - 10 years away. Some plans propose incorporation of part of the creek water being diverted into the decorative design of the station precinct.



Burwood Replacement Park and Playground Now Open between 37 Cumming Street and 36 Gillard Street


On 21 May 2023 the SRL Burwood Replacement Park opened, an extension of the Lundgren Chain Reserve. This new park runs between Cumming Street and Gillard Street Burwood and is replacing part of the Sinnott Street Reserve that has been lost to construction of SRL Burwood. This new park has a playground, walkways and landscaped areas of vegetation and was well-received by the local community at its official opening.


BBQ facilities are being installed further along the Lundgren Chain off Highbury Road and near Finch Street.


















Planning approvals


SRL East rail infrastructure was formally approved following a rigorous Environment Effects Statement (EES) planning process.


In September 2022, Planning Scheme Amendment (PSA) GC197 was gazetted in the Victorian Planning Scheme and the Project Area has been designated under the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act 2009 (MTPF Act).


In October 2022, the Minister for Environment and Climate Action approved the SRL East Environmental Management Framework (EMF) including the final conditions the project must meet for design, construction and operation.


The Urban Design Strategy (UDS) sets out requirements for the design outcomes and visual quality expectations for SRL East and was approved in October 2022.


The Public Open Space Framework (POSF) will guide the process of managing the effects of the rail and infrastructure components of SRL East on public open space and was approved in October 2022.


More information on planning approvals is available at:



Specific Controls Overlays 14 and 15


To facilitate the delivery and protection of SRL East rail infrastructure, two Specific Controls Overlays (SCO) have been applied to relevant land within the Project Area: ï‚·

  • SCO14 is a planning control that authorises the design, construction, and operation of the 26km underground tunnels, stations and other infrastructure for the project. ï‚·

  • SCO15 is a planning control to protect the underground infrastructure from development that, if not designed appropriately, could damage the project infrastructure, such as developments with deep foundations or multi-level basements.


Using overlays as planning controls to facilitate the delivery of, and protection of, large public infrastructure projects is common in Victoria. This approach has been used on projects such as the North East Link, West Gate Tunnel and Metro Tunnel.


Here are Q&As to assist with any queries you may receive from local residents:


If you need more information, please email or call 1800 105 105.







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