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SRL Planning Scheme Amendments SCO14 & SCO15

SRL East has Two Specific Controls Overlays:


  • Specific Controls Overlay Schedule 14 (SCO14) is a planning control for the design, construction and operation of the 26km underground tunnels, stations and other SRL East infrastructure.

  • Specific Controls Overlay Schedule 15 (SCO15) is a planning control to protect SRL East underground infrastructure from developments that could damage infrastructure if they are not designed appropriately, such as those with deep foundations or multi-level basements. If your property is affected by SCO15, a planning permit may be required for buildings and works.

​See the detailed maps to see if your property is directly affected by these overlays. Maps 16-18 show the exact properties affected in Whitehorse. 


SCO15 was exhibited as a part of a public process. It was reviewed by an independent Inquiry and Advisory Committee as part of the SRL East Environment Effects Statement, prior to being approved by the Minister for Planning and gazetted on 30 September 2022.

The project’s draft Planning Scheme Amendment always mentioned the SCO15 would be applied along the entire project alignment. SCO15 includes two sets of planning permit triggers, reflecting the different levels of risk to the Project’s underground infrastructure based on the depth of the tunnels. Where the tunnels are less than 12m below the surface there are more planning permit triggers. SCO15 still applies in locations where the tunnel is much deeper than 12m below surfaces, but with the permit triggers that reflect a lower risk of potential damage to the underground infrastructure.

The Infrastructure Protection Incorporated Document provides further information about planning permit triggers for each area. This is consistent with draft SCOs that formed part of the EES exhibition.

For properties affected by SCO15, you would apply for a planning permit through your local Council (or Responsible Authority) as usual. The Council will facilitate the process and will refer relevant applications to Suburban Rail Loop Authority (SRLA) for assessment against SCO15 provisions.

If you intend to construct a building or carry out works on land affected by SCO15, it is recommended you contact SRLA for pre-planning advice prior to lodging an application. This is an opportunity to learn more about SCO15 requirements and ensure these have been considered in your planning application.

Please see more detailed information linked here:

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