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Community Consultations on Proposed Capital Works Ending on 10 October 2022


Letter to Simon MacMillan, CEO, City of Whitehorse
from Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc., 27 Sept 2022


We understand that there has been a change to the method by which proposals for capital works are brought to the attention of council for inclusion in the council budget , which has come about as a result of the new Local Government Act which was passed in 2020. It is our understanding that council must consult with residents about proposals for new capital works prior to them being discussed by council and incorporated in council’s budget.

We understand that it is Whitehorse Council’s decision that such consultations end on or about 25th October, 2022. To this end we believe that each councillor will hold a council ward meeting to obtain ideas from residents for capital works projects that the community proposes. We believe that in order for residents to attend such meetings or, alternatively if they cannot attend such meetings be allowed to submit their proposals in writing, they must be informed of the time, date and venue of the council ward meetings and that they can otherwise submit proposals. If this is not done this would appear to be an abrogation of council’s duty in relation to the relevant government legislation.

To this end we ask that you either letterbox the community, or at the very least, email all ratepayers whose email addresses the council has on file, about the details of the council meeting in their ward and let them know that if they cannot attend they can put submissions in writing to their ward councillor and the date by which this must be done.

We understand that the ward meetings are due to be held very shortly and that the due date for submissions is also in a few weeks, so it is a matter of urgency that this be done immediately.

Looking forwards to prompt action on this very important matter.



Kind Regards,


Kath Cummings

Secretary of the Whitehorse Ratepayers and Residents Association Inc

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