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Achievements Since 2020

 Nov. 2020 - WRARA Member elected as Whitehorse Councillor


Oct. 2021 - Submission for Inquiry into Apartment Design Standards

 Nov. 2021 - Letterboxing flyers to Whitehorse ratepayers and residents outlining the  issues and challenges of the
                    Suburban Rail Loop 


 Nov. 2021 ongoing - WRARA Member on Suburban Rail Loop Box Hill and Burwood Precinct Reference Groups


 Nov. 2021 - WRARA Member on Whitehorse Council Community Panel to discuss Suburban Rail Loop 

 Dec. 2021 - WRARA Submission to Planning Panels Victoria on the Suburban Rail Loop Environment Effects
                     Statement (EES)


 Apr. 2022 - WRARA Powerpoint Presentation to the Inquiry and Advisory Committee (IAC) for Suburban Rail Loop East
                   on issues of major concern, such as compulsory acquisition of homes and businesses, loss of tree canopy
                   and green open space, traffic and transport chaos and lack of intermodal transport connectivity.


Sept. 2022 - Letter to Simon MacMillan, Whitehorse CEO, requesting urgent action on retaining
ommunity consultation on proposed capital works in Whitehorse Budget as per Local Government Act
                   2020 requirements.


Oct. 2022 - Letterboxing flyer to reveal and advocate for people's most important issues for the State Election 26
                  November 2022.


27 October 2022 - Meet The Candidates for State Election Ringwood District - WRARA AGM Mitcham Bowling Club


Feb./Mar. 2023

Aged Care In-Home Support Changes - Lack of transparency by Whitehorse Council in voting 'in camera' i.e. in secret without community consultation to terminate in-home aged care services from July 2023.    
Nearly 4,000 signatures for our petition to the Legislative Council and the Minister for Local Government. 

Presentations and protest at Whitehorse Council Meeting 27 March 2023.

Aged Care Protest 27 March Photo.jpg

15 May 2023 - Letter to the Mayor and email copies to all Councillors re In-Home Aged Care Services.


24 May 2023 - YourSay Submission re Whitehorse Council Budget 2023/24. A letter with similar wording to the Budget Submission was sent to the Mayor. Councillors were emailed individually.


26 June 2023 - Presentation and placards at Whitehorse Council Meeting to vote on Budget 2023/2024.

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